Essential Nutrients | six Essential nutrients and their sources and importance

Essential Nutrients and their sources and importance

Essential nutrients which the body can't Make or can't make in sufficient Quantity. These essential nutrients come from food we intake and are very important for good health.

There are many essential nutrients but we need to know about two major categories like Macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are classified as the nutrients we need in large quantities like potassium, calcium, and magnesium etc.

Essential nutrients | infomacha
Essential nutrients 

Micronutrients are classified as the nutrients we need in a very small amount like vitamins and minerals. There are six essential nutrients that everyone needs to take compulsory to gain energy and stay healthy.


Proteins provide the building blocks of the body, not only for muscle. But proteins are used by every cell and bones. The proteins are produced by different amino acids. The human body can generate some amino acids by itself, but maximum amino acids come from food. so we need different types of amino acids to gain protein and function properly.

Source of proteins: Meat, fish , eggs are  very good sources of proteins. while from plant sources like beans , nuts and some grains. 


Avoid carbohydrates from your diet to be healthy. Don't become a fool by listening to this type of words. Carbohydrates are very important for a healthy body. carbohydrates help to work the  Central nervous system and brain  properly and protect against diseases. We get a maximum of 45 to 65% of calories from carbohydrates only.

Sources of carbohydrates: Rice is the major source of carbohydrates. And whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits also..


Even if you consume all other sources like vitamins and minerals. If you are not consuming fats efficiently then no use., because fat supports all other sources like vitamins and minerals. Fats help in blood clotting, building cells and muscle movement. Fats are high in calories and those calories are very important energy sources for our body.

By consuming healthy fats it helps to balance our blood sugar levels and reduce risk of heart diseases.

Sources of fats: Nuts, seeds, fish, avocado,  flaxseed and dairy products like milk, butter, cheese and ice cream.


Vitamins are a very important thing in human life to prevent us from diseases. There are 13 essential vitamins which keep the  body functionally good. Vitamins help for good vision, healthy skin and bones. 

By consuming vitamins it helps us to lower the risk of lungs and prostate cancer. We all know that vitamin c is very important for everyone because it helps to boost the immune system.

Sources of vitamins: For vitamins green leafy vegetables, fruits are  good sources and sunlight is the primary and very good source of vitamin c So morning sunlight is very important to get vitamin c directly from the Sun.


To Strengthen our bones and teeth and to regulate our metabolism minerals are very important. Minerals like calcium, zinc and iron place a very crucial role in our body.

Calcium helps to strengthen our bones and keep healthy blood pressure muscle contraction and relaxation. Zinc boosts our immune system and improves wound healing capacity.

6) Water: 

We can leave without food for some weeks. But we cannot leave without water for at least one day. Water plays a very important role in our life. If you are not consuming water properly then brain functionality may slow down.

Even our body contains up to 60% of Water. Every system in our body contains water levels. water keeps as hydrate and improve brain function and help us to flush out toxins and carry out nutritions to cells.


To concentrate on the essential nutritions in your diet try to add vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat products. Then you will cover all type of essential nutrients in your diet.

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